Sunday 7 June 2009

go tell them...

hottest new talent from the south...
Mantrap Victim, DJ El Luigi and Rat Tash Collective

Mantrap Victim
Dubstep Producer

HANNAH: How would you describe your music?
MB: I would describe my music as BLEAK with a hint of dread, but if I’m honest I don’t really know I just like using sounds that would usually be disregarded as you wouldn't know where to place them or use them in a song… if I was to summarise my sound I would say it sounds like a computer dying a slow death.
HANNAH: What are your musical influences?
MB: My influences vary from producers such as Aim and Flying Lotus to other producers like Distance and massive attack who can produce quite haunting music. Distance produced a track called V which I first heard on fabric Live 37 which made me want to produce dubstep.
HANNAH: How long have you been making music?
MB: I’ve been making music for about 6 years, I started because all my mates back home were in bands and I was lonely so I turned to making electronic music on my computer, but it’s only in the last two years I’ve started having my music mixed down properly.
HANNAH: What was the last album you brought?
MB: Flying Lotus - Los Angeles if you need some lift in your life listen to this.
HANNAH: What song do you wish you had written?
MB: Probably the whole of the streets first album, I’ve been dry humping that album for a solid 5 or 6 years now.
HANNAH: Who would you most like to work with?
MB: Elton John deadly serious…
HANNAH: What do you listen to in the morning?
MB: Any soul music, leave the house with a strut…

Rat Tash Collective

HANNAH: How long have you been mcing for?
FH: I’ve been mcing for 5 years... I started at college with a group of friends! I’ve always loved hiphop and love the whole culture and lifestyle.
HANNAH: What are your musical influences?
FH: My style’s influenced by Verb T Jehst and Asaviuor...
HANNAH: How would you describe your style?
FH: Jokes, agressive and serious... I like to write about things that bother/ affect me in life. I like to have a laugh with my lyrics but sometimes I get quite deep!
HANNAH: What was the last album you bought?
FH: Chester P new mic order!
HANNAH: Who would you most like to work with?
FH: I would love to make music with Verb and Harry Love...
HANNAH: Tell me about rat tash crew...
FH: Well theres 6 members, 3 mc’s 1 dj, 1 beatboxer 1 manager, Tyrone. We’ve been togther for 5 years, played from Bristol to Manchester supporting big names like Chase and Status, Foreign Beggars and Plastician. We’ve got our name around especially in Bristol. We’re recording an album this summer!
HANNAH: What are your plans for after uni?
FH: I’m gonna move to Bristol and persue the music or media dream! I wanna have my own multimedia studio so i can produce my own work.

DJ El Luigi

HANNAH: How long have you been mixing for?
LA: Not as long as i wished! It took me a while to get my own decks, ive been mixing about 10 months now, but ive always been really into the music, so i guess that helped.
HANNAH: What’s your favourite track of the moment?
LA: Argh you cant ask that! i dont have a single favourite tune, it depends what mood im in! too many good tunes out there!
HANNAH: What direction do you think the dubstep scene will go from here?
LA: Its going to get bigger and bigger, but not necessarily in a good way!
HANNAH: What music did you listen to at school?
LA: At school i listened to a lot of ska, Mad Caddies were my favourite band, i listened to a bit of everything really, but from an early age i avoided the crap you here in the charts!
HANNAH: Who would you most like to do a set with?
LA: Im hoping to do a massive dubstep night in Southampton soon, so who knows who i could be playing with!
HANNAH: Do you have any one special lined up for your night soon?
LA: The next few months we have some killer lineups... Were working on a big send off party for June, with possibly the best lineup Southampton has seen! Also, the return of BREAK is also in the pipeline! Good Times!

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